Sharing Exciting Patient Story

We provide access of investigtional fecal microbiota transplantation (FMT) preparation  to registered clinical partners who are treating recurrent C. difficile infections not responsive to standard therapies. We are working closely with the University of Minnesota (UMN) to prepare and submit a new IND that ensures consistency with recent changes to the guidance governing the use of investigational FMT to treat recurrent C. difficile patient.

In this compelling patient story, we want to show the transformative power of FMT and the profound impact it can have on an individual’s life. This remarkable tale revolves around Kee Kee, a resilient individual who battled with recurrent C. difficile for years, facing countless setbacks and limited treatment options.

Here’s her words:

“In 2019 I was hospitalized with sepsis from recurrent C. diff. Despite being on three different antibiotics at the same time, the doctors didn’t understand why nothing was working, why my fever wasn’t breaking, and why my body wasn’t getting better. During this time, I was begging for a fecal microbiota transplant (FMT), but I was told I wasn’t eligible because I hadn’t had enough relapses. Eventually they were able to stabilize my vitals and after a week I was discharged from the hospital, with the intent that I would taper off two antibiotics over the next month. Only I didn’t make it that long. Two weeks later I relapsed again, and an FMT was finally approved, leaving me weeping with gratitude. I had the FMT a few days later via colonoscopy and was instantly cured. When I woke up in the recovery room, I spotted the packaging from OpenBiome that my donor’s healthy microbiota had come in. I asked the nurse if I could keep the box. I still have it, over three years later. OpenBiome, from the bottom of my heart, thank you for saving my life.”

——Many thanks,

Kee Kee



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